case study
Corn Seed Settlement

BrownGreer served as both Notice Administrator and Claims Administrator in a 2018 settlement relating to Syngenta-produced corn seed that affected over 650,000 potential class members in four sub-classes.
Key Statistics
$1.51 billion
Claims received
Class members reached
BrownGreer served as both Notice Administrator and Claims Administrator in a 2018 settlement relating to Syngenta-produced corn seed that affected over 650,000 potential class members in four sub-classes. Our duties included providing notice to class members through multiple channels, maintaining a claims website and call center, receiving and processing correspondence, and making final determinations relating to claim payments.
We reached 99.1 percent of class members through direct mail long-form notices bolstered by supplemental and reminder campaigns. In addition to direct mailed notices, the supplemental campaign consisted of Facebook advertising, a national press release, radio advertisements, and print publication in national and regional trade magazines. Fliers were also sent to Farm Service Agency offices and other state and national trade organizations.
A reminder campaign included standard and bi-fold postcards direct-mailed to class members, advertisements aired across strategically selected radio stations, and an additional press release.
BrownGreer received 225,000 claims forms via hard copy and our website, comprising nearly 35 percent of the total class. We operated a call center during Central Time business hours and monitored a dedicated email address to assist claimants with questions and claim deficiencies. BrownGreer also handled designing and distributing CAFA notice, optout and regular program reporting to the parties and making a final declaration to the court.
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